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does anyone know if this is going to be updated?

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I will update it by the end of this month

THANK YOU <33333333333


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It's always the gamesss I want to fully play that have (ONLY) a demoooo P':

how do u get the damien sidestory


Tried the tip to get Damien's route.
It sorta worked. Or I got more content with him at least.

And I got another interesting scene with Yohan in this run too. lol (The NSFW one. lol)

The mc really need new locks on her doors tho.  Not that I mind Yohan, but she -knows- her security is lax, so why don't she fix it?

(Well, I'd like him better if he actually looked good, but alas... not even obsessive LI can be a hot emo boy....some have a 70's 'fro.)

I only got a little bit more of Damien tho.

I really look forward to see more of this game when it comes out. ^_^

(And I keep praying that the creator re-create Yohan's look.

Or maybe he one day starts to comb his hair. It's probably gonna be nice and long once it's flat, and he'd look a million times better. lol

And then his look would be as nice as his personality. ^_^)

...still making no claims to sanity.

Damien looks best by far, but Yohan has an interesting personality.
I don't know enough about Damien to know if his personality is interesting, but I have a nagging suspicion his route may be even outside -my- rather dark comfort-zone....

But that's a guess based on his current girlfriend.
And my paranoid tendencies.

I could be wrong.


I like Michael~ ❤️
...too bad he's not on the LI list. *sigh*

I also like Damien, but he vanish the second you meet him....
And his character design is hot and cool. lol

Okay... Yohan is kinda cute. 😂
I'd probably end up wacking him over the head with a baseball bat, personally.... but his personality is cute.
(His character design, however, is not. He looks like a mad spin-doctor from a 70s show.)

NOT a fan of the other two tho.
And I dislike the ron weasley lookalike the most.
(Although I admit I have an aversion to that shade of red hair, which may have played in.)

It's a very short game atm, so it's hard to say how good it is or isn't.
But it seems promising.

The game itself seems interesting (and kinda funny with Yohan's part), so I look forward to see more of this game when more is developed.


I liked Damien too..... Until I saw his "Side story"---- To put it shortly- His girl needs to escape him-

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Ooooh~ He sounds better and better~ ❤️

I make no claims to sanity. ^_^
Especially when it comes to my taste in men.

I don't think I saw any side story with him in tho.
How do you get to it? I must have missed it.

Well you get it by choosing "asking Joshua" Then when you meet Damien, you tell him his girlfriend won't recover and that it's the truth and then choose "tell her I said hi", it may crash though and return you back to the main menu for some reason, but that's how I got it


Ah. Thanks. I'll try that. ^_^


os braço do renato parece os meusAKAKAK o jogo e perfeito, mais podia ter em portugues....

gostei muito mesmo que seja só uma demo eu acho que promete muito, gostei dos personagens e principalmente da criatividade, só acho que o balão de fala da nossa personagem poderia ser mais escuro pra ser mais fácil de ler, mas tirando apenas isso e muito bom, ansiosa pro jogo pronto :)

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:00 I just realized Lee has this mark on his neck- (and arm I think) and from the phone call is he being abused or something?

and he looks like he hasn't slept in ages-

i think maybe a suicide attempt? I'm not 100% sure, but the marks do look like it.


I like this game very much and look forward to the full version.(*๓´╰╯`๓)♡



Loved the demo! Can't wait for more.

Mano como o jogo mudou bastante desde o teste que eu fiz das primeiras versões, parabéns para vocês duas, ficou perfeito o design dos personagens, o jogo em si também está maravilhoso ^^ / Man, how much the game has changed since I tested the first versions of it! Congratulations to both of you, the character design turned out to be perfect too, and the game itself is really amazing ^^.


just because yn is so rude to yohan yes I understand he is scared but calm down he has charm I don't know as a child but otherwise great game I loved it

The game is kinda crashing for me -n-
at the part where Lee came to the class to see "me" the "An exception has occurred" page shows up like every two lines and its kinda annoying-

Sincerely, I have no idea what's going on. I tested it here and it doesn't happen for me. I believe it might be an issue with the sprites. I recommend deleting the old file and downloading it again. Btw, I fixed some sprites just to be cautious. (If the problem persists, please send me a screenshot of it on Tumblr so I can see exactly what’s causing it)

yohannnn <3

A novel cumpre perfeitamente o que se propõe: visceral, primitivo. Me lembra um pouco a proposta de DDLC, e como a quebra de expectativas pode ser um fator chave para tal (apesar dos vários avisos). Amei.
Estou ansioso pela continuação e, se possível, adorarei acompanhar o processo. Orgulho dessa produção BR bolada pra cacete tmnc szKKKK
Att, Paulo




I just figured out how to reply to comments now lmao, but I’m really happy that you recorded my game, thank you! :)


Very uh shocking game LOL. I never played the original but this game goes crazy lol. I'm so sad I missed a certain ending side story with Damien I reopened the game to check for more endings after seeing the files and noticed I missed one I went back to get it and it was kinda hard to get lol even tho every option led to the same endings I had received just getting all his dialogue options triggered it? I'm still not exactly sure but anyways it was cool to see and best of luck on the development!

I enjoyed this so far! cannot wait for more lore.... hehe